Green tea contains compounds that indeed appear to control inflammation and fight bacteria and are rich in antioxidants, which have many health properties.Green tea is good for cavity prevention as it controls bacteria, lowers the acidity of saliva and dental plaque, and helps with bleeding gums and tooth decay. In addition, green tea’s anti-inflammatory powers […]

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You can get used to using your toothbrush for a long time. However, you still need to replace it after a while. How do you know when your toothbrush needs replacement? What are some of the telltale clues? The information below will give you what you need to know for better brushing and dental health. […]

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Dental staining can develop because of the drinks we like. Many foods and beverages can lead to tooth staining. For example, coffee, teas, and colas cause staining and are some of the worst offenders.If you like these drinks, you have to drink less and brush your teeth after consuming them. However, some habits are hard […]

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We advise patients to take care of an impacted tooth immediately. This is a tooth that has not erupted in the gums. We have various ways to deal with the problem. Therefore, you need to come into our office and find out how we can help. The following information will also give you more insight […]

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Is your canine impacted? If so, we can help by giving you the dental relief you need. An impacted canine can affect the surrounding teeth and gums and make your teeth feel sore and uncomfortable. The following information will help you decide what to do if this dental currently affects you. How Does A Canine […]

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The type of water you drink can affect your health. While water generally is good for the body, there is a constant debate on whether bottled water is a better choice. Your teeth and overall health can also be affected by the water you drink. It’s important to realize that bottled water has a time […]

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Pulpotomy and pulpectomy are dental procedures that remove decay or infection in the tooth pulp. However, both of these procedures are different, and it is best to inform yourself before treatment to know what to expect. Pulpotomy Vs. Pulpectomy During a pulpotomy, Carolina Smiles Family Dentistry will only remove the coronal pulp from the tooth. […]

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If you have been down the oral health aisle at your local grocery store recently, you have probably seen many different products boasting of their tooth whitening abilities. We will review some of the most popular tooth whitening products and explain what makes them tick. Whitening Toothpaste Lots of toothpaste now boast whitening properties. One […]

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Are your gums hurting? Many people suffer from sore gums at least once a year. Your gums could be sore for a variety of reasons. While some of those reasons are normal, gum soreness could be a sign of a larger problem. Keep reading for more information on sore gums, and when you need to […]

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