Dangers to Your Oral Health of Not Having Sufficient Vitamin D

Everyone knows they need to include a good balance of vitamins and minerals in their daily diet. They may have heard of Vitamin C, E, and D.

They may look at the nutrition labels that provide the recommended daily dose of the minerals and vitamins a food offers. However, that does not mean they know what vitamins and minerals do for them. It is time to learn what not getting enough vitamin D means to your oral health.

The Benefits Of Vitamin D

Vitamin D is essential to the body’s overall health, including the teeth and gums. In addition, vitamin D works with calcium, helping build and strengthen the bones in the body.

Vitamin D is more like a hormone than a vitamin. It helps the bodywork in ways to absorb other nutrients in the body. One of the primary nutrients it helps absorb is calcium, vital to bone growth and strengthening. Calcium can strengthen the bones of the jaw, and it can help support the teeth.

What Happens In A Vitamin D Deficiency

What happens when the body does not have enough Vitamin D in the diet. Your oral health is one of the first signs that you9 lack vitamin D. Bleeding gums and tooth decay are symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. The lack of vitamin D also impacts the immune system, which could cause oral health issues to get worse.

The longer the lack of vitamin D, the more significant the impact on oral health. Losing bone tissue in the jaw could lead to loose, broken, or damaged teeth. In addition, the depressed immune system can allow harmful bacteria to grow, leading to tooth decay and gum disease.

It is possible to increase your vitamin D intake through diet, but it is also possible to turn to supplements to ensure you are giving your body and teeth what they need.

Call of office today to learn more!