5 Helpful Suggestions That Make Living With Dentures Easy

When a person has lost teeth due to an accident or dental decay, it can be challenging to feel confident while using dentures. It takes some getting used to living with dentures, but it does become more accessible. It is pretty common to use dentures. The number of users in America is expected to reach 42 million in 2024.

Although life doesn’t end when you get dentures, we won’t deny that things will initially be slightly different. When asked about the condition, a professional dentist in Columbia, SC, suggests that they might need some adjustments initially! 

But is that all? Let’s find out in this blog below!

Common Early Challenges Associated With People Using Dentures

Keeping Your Dentures From Drying Out

Dentures should be placed in a glass of water while you are not wearing them. An alternative is a denture cleaning solution. Like natural teeth, dentures need to be kept moist to avoid breaking. Dentures, complete or partial, will fail and distort if you let them dry out.

It would help if you removed your dentures before bed each night. That way, you are allowing your gums to rest in this manner. Dentures in Columbia, SC, are an asset to your smile and dental hygiene, so it’s critical to keep them moist at all times.

Brushing Dentures Twice A Day Along With Gums

It will help if you brush your dentures the same way you do your natural teeth. Plaque and bacteria that produce smell can accumulate on your dentures over time, giving you foul breath. Food particles can also stay and leave stains on your brand-new dental restoration. By brushing your dentures daily, you can maintain the beauty and joy of your smile.

Do keep in mind that maintaining good dental health requires proper care of your gums in addition to your natural teeth. If you don’t brush your teeth every day, bacteria allowed to grow in your mouth can also lead to gum disease. Gingivitis is prevalent among older people. 

It is only natural to keep your gums healthy as your dental dentures will rest on them! Besides, your gum for dentures is also stimulated by the gentle toothbrush bristles.

Giving Your Mouth Six To Eight Hours Of Rest

Dental professionals advise removing your dentures for 6 to 8 hours each day to give your mouth’s tissues time to recover from any pain or discomfort that might have occurred throughout the day. A simple way to offer your mouth a break is to sleep without dentures. 

Taking Little Bites Of Food And Staying Hydrated

There are certain things you can’t eat with dentures. Getting adjusted to eating with your newer dentures can take some time. If you are not eating well-balanced meals due to avoiding particular foods, it could impact your general health. 

Some experts advise chopping your food into smaller pieces or softening some dishes by adding gravies or a pat of butter to improve chewing. Additionally, use both parts of your mouth when chewing to prevent losing your dentures.

Dry mouth is also a common occurrence among users of dentures in Columbia, SC. So, keep yourself hydrated so your body can restore fluids like saliva. Drinking at least eight glasses of water daily is the usual rule. 

If you take any drugs that can cause dry mouth, you should also discuss this with your doctor. Ask for saliva replacements to help keep your mouth moist with your dentist in Columbia SC, or physician to prevent dry mouth.

Practicing Speaking With Dentures

Don’t give up if you find it tough to pronounce some words. For those who have recently started wearing dentures, this is very common. Speaking with new dentures can require getting used to your lips, cheeks, and tongue. You won’t always talk with a lisp; you can be sure of that. 


A tooth can fall out at any age. Even young individuals can lose their teeth. If you’re going through this, that’s alright. Check the fit and quality of your dentures by visiting a dentist in Columbia, SC, frequently. All the best!