The Dangers of Not Treating an Impacted Tooth

We advise patients to take care of an impacted tooth immediately. This is a tooth that has not erupted in the gums. We have various ways to deal with the problem. Therefore, you need to come into our office and find out how we can help. The following information will also give you more insight into this dental condition.

What Is An Impacted Tooth?

An impacted tooth is a tooth that does not erupt as it should. As a result, it can be excruciating for some people. Impaction can also lead to infection and further pain. If the gum becomes inflamed and swollen, it can distress patients. An impacted tooth often results from overcrowding. Wisdom teeth called the third molars and upper canine teeth can frequently become impacted. If a tooth does not come in as it should, we have to treat the problem.

How We Treat Impacted Teeth

If you have impacted wisdom teeth, we usually extract them. Otherwise, an impacted tooth, such as a canine, is orthodontically treated. Often, we make a small cut and add a bracket to help the tooth emerge through the gum. This can become quite complex. Therefore, we need to take x-rays and plan a detailed treatment outline. If you don’t treat this problem, you can suffer from infections and, again, have issues with pain. Therefore, this is one condition you don’t want to take lightly. An impacted tooth can also lead to problems with cleaning your teeth, leading to decay and gum disease. Do you have an impacted tooth or teeth? If so, you need to see us immediately. We will do all that we can to accommodate your dental needs. Call us today to see how we can treat your impaction problem safely and efficiently.