Is Binge-Watching Hurting Your Oral Health?

Binge-watching is the newest trend in town. It lets you stream different video services in the comfort of your seat to binge-watch them at your convenience. These services allow you to select several shows you want to binge-watch and queue up a few episodes to watch later while snacking. And this where the problem comes in. Snacking while watching your favorite shows can negatively impact your oral health. 

How Binge-Watching Can Hurt Your Oral Health

Binge-watching goes hand-in-hand with snacking binges, and this a bad habit for your dental health. Most people don’t plan well before they begin to binge-watch their favorite shows. They usually start with one episode and get carried away. If you are one of them, you will find yourself fighting the addictive behavior of snacking with little success. This habit is dangerous to your oral health. Besides, you will find yourself watching your movies until you fall asleep on the couch or forget your usual regimen of brushing and flossing to get rid of food particles from your mouth. Failure to observe routine oral hygiene can increase the risk of gum disease and cavities, thus damaging your dental health.

How To Control Binge-Watching While Prioritizing Your Oral Hygiene

The most effective way of prioritizing your oral hygiene while binge-watching is to control your binging habits. It does not imply that you must stop binging altogether, but it only means that you should not immerse yourself in this habit to the point of neglecting your health. Instead, plan appropriately to prevent this habit from taking away most of your time. Then eat a few snacks during the initial episodes of your shows and don’t add more. Take a break in-between the shows to attend to your oral hygiene. Learn more about the effects of binge-watching on your dental health by visiting our offices.